Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions and our answers. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can always send us an email with your request.

What are the cancellation periods for paid subscriptions?
Our subscriptions can be taken out either with monthly payments or annual payments. With the monthly payment method, all subscriptions can be canceled at any time to the next month.
How does artificial intelligence work at to teach?
to teach uses artificial intelligence to create practice exercises and personalize educational content. Simply select a worksheet and adapt it to the desired topic. Done is the individually personalized teaching material!
How can I use to teach for my classes?
to teach provides teachers with a collection of lesson content that can be customized to the interests of the class. Thus, personalized and modern lesson content can be created in seconds.
How do I create high-quality practice exercises?
The quality depends directly on the description of the desired topic. The worksheets already provide a subject area that works best. Orientation to the structure of the deposited examples achieves the desired result.
How can the quality of the worksheets be assured?
A lot of time and effort has gone into the development and creation of the existing worksheets in order to be able to guarantee quality. The artificial intelligence used for this is additionally trained with the content created. In this way, the AI learns and improves itself.
Can I use to teach offline in the classroom?
All worksheets from to teach can also be used as analog print versions in the classroom. Simply open the worksheet and select print. Exercises such as cloze or multiple choice are adapted to the printed format.
Why do I need to register for personalization?
With personalization, the worksheets and exercise tasks are adapted according to one's own wishes. Registration is necessary so that this content can be clearly assigned and made available.
Why is my subject not yet available at to teach?
We are constantly expanding our portfolio. Every month we communicate in our newsletter which new subjects and content we have published. If your subject is not yet included, please try out our tools, they work for every subject.
Can I use to teach without signing up?
Of course! All the basic content and tasks we have created are available for use in lessons free of charge right from the start. The content can be used both online and offline. Registration is only required for personalization and content creation.
Why is there a charge for personalization?
When personalizing worksheets, costs are incurred for the use of computing power by artificial intelligence. As part of this trial, we are allowing all teachers limited free use of to teach.